Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cape Fear 1000--Plus 1

Where to begin this update....

We were supposed to receive our rally bonus listings yesterday at about 6:00PM via email.  With that in mind, I dutifully checked my email at about 6:05PM and viola, it was there.  I opened the file and started to view it on my computer...what the heck is this stuff?  Only 4 bonii in the state of Florida for Florida starters?  Most of the stuff listed was either in Alabama or north of the Mason-Dixson Line.  Something was terribly wrong. 

Off to the phone to talk with Danny and David.  Both seemed to think it was a cruel turn of the screws by the rally master and we should just proceed with what we had.  With that in mind, off I go to try to get the bonus locations into a spreadsheet to figure out a route. 

As I'm working on that, emails start coming in to my inbox stating that there may be something wrong with two of the rally packs sent out, TN and FL starters books may be wrong.  Now what to do?  I put the whole thing on hold and made some more phone calls to Danny and David. 

At about 8:30PM we received another email from the assistant to the rally master confirming our suspecting that the rally books were indeed wrong and to hold everything.  Much nashing of teeth and swearing was done while deleting all the work that I had already done.  Now to wait patiently for the new one.

9:00PM comes and in my inbox is the new rally bonus listing...all 32 pages of it and 115 different things to look at.  Now we are cooking with gas!  I call my friend Mike for some help with changing longitude and latitude into decimals (I have no clue what the heck that is all about but its got to be done) and he quickly forwards me a spreadsheet with the formulas already in it.  Score!  Big kudos to Mike for the help!

Now begins the laborious task of entering data into the spreadsheet:  page and bonus number, code of bonus, points, availability of bonus, what has to be done at the stop, longitude and latitude.  That took about 2 hours of typing...ugh!  Now it is 11:30 or so and I have to transfer data to Streets and Trips so I can see a visual of the data...what an ugly picture it is!  Big points are all over in west GA and AL with mandatory stuff in NC.  How to get some big points while still getting some rest and staying under 1360 miles for the ride AND getting back in to Wilmington, NC before 3:00PM on Saturday in questionable weather (according to the weather guessers).

Finally get the points on the map but I really don't like my 4 tier breakdown, it just doesn't delineate the point possibilities good enough.  Everything looks clumped up to some degree.  So I decide at 12:15AM to hit the bed and hope that today I will get a chance to get the tier breakdown to maybe 6 so I get a clearer picture in my head. 

Leaving work in a couple hours to head to Arcadia and more map guessing. 

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